Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I just received my official Certificate of Japanese Language Proficiency in the mail!
I passed my Level 3 test...meaning I can navigate the Japanese language at an elementary level...officially. ;)
It is nice to have the official cert, though, after all those hours of study. Who knows? Maybe I will keep studying so we can move to Banff and I can become a tour guide for all those Japanese people who come to sight-see...and if not me, then maybe the kids, ne?;) (lol)


Laurel-Anne said...

Yay, Kelly!


Anonymous said...

Good for you Kelly!! I'm so happy for you, that all your hard work paid off. Awesome!!
Someone told me that there are a number of Japanese Ski Resorts around Kamloops. I don't know if this is true but when I heard it, I thought of you and wondered it you'd be able to use it somehow there. You never know!!

rachel joy said...

good for you!

Colin Madland said...

Thanks all!
Ya Mom, you never know! That would be cool!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
K-Mad said...

Sorry Carrie.
I deleted your comment because your email address was on it...and I felt I should remove it from here. I (of course) now have it in my own address book! :)