Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Marathon time...

Exercise 2/6: Lower Body Workout (Billy Blanks) + Karate stretching
Time: 30min

It is marathon time in Japan. (this isn't really about my workout...but it is exercise related!) Students all over the country have been running in Phys. Ed and at recess in order to prepare for their upcoming "marathon"! Now, before you get TOO impressed, the Japanese definition of marathon is entirely different from the western one.
In North America, "Marathon" = a running race of 26.2 miles or 42(approx) km
In Japan, "Marathon" or マラソン= a long distance run..."long distance" being whatever you like, really. My high school students run their marathon on Friday...10km. My kids run their marathon tomorrow (elementary school)...2-3km? I will get Mixon to post about his marathon tomorrow evening.

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