Saturday, October 21, 2006

5 & 6

Exercise 5/6: 8 minute Cardio blaster thingy for Tae Bo
Time: uuuuh....8 minutes.

Exercise 6/6: Bike Ride
Time: 1 hour

Tried to get the kids to go for a family bike ride...but by the time we had made them finish their chores the doorbell was ringing and friends were wanting to play. They were chomping at the bit...and they had done their chores well (after slight coercion ;-), so we let them go.
AND that meant Colin and I could ride together! We so rarely get time alone in Japan, so we jumped at the chance. (we haven't been on a "date" since we left Canada)
It was great. It is a beautiful day (if a bit windy) so we soaked up the sun and each other's company. (no iPod today ;-)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Competitor in me takes a hit.

Exercise 4/6: Karate
Time: 1:30

Tonight was hard on my competitive side. ;-)
I missed the most recent Karate test because of being sick last week. Colin (and my 2 other Japanese friends) did not. They passed. (Congratulations!) I did not even take the test.
SO, at Karate, we line up by rank/seniority. I had to shift down three. That was hard to swallow. I know it sounds SO silly that this bothered me...and it is. I am glad I can laugh at myself...and that I can catch up at the end of the month! ;-) (lol)

Misson 2 Accomplished

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006
Exercise 3/6: Tae-Bo
Time: 42 min


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Feeling Good

Teusday, October 17th, 2006

Exercise 2/6: Mission 1...again
Time: 40 min

It is feeling too easy again! WooHoo!
Tomorrow, Mission 2

It is my Birthday today (did I post, yesterday, that it would be?).
Wow, I AM getting memory is going.
Anyway, we went to a little "hole-in-the-wall" restaurant in Gifu City called El Paso. That's right...a Mexican restaurant in the middle of Japan (this is NOT Tokyo, baby). And it was literally a hole in the wall! There was room for 3 "groups. You walked in the door and the bar was on your left with about 6 bar stools. You could just squeeze down this like a hallway (the bath room door on your right...which opened into your path if someone was coming out at the time....). At the back were tables enough for 3 small groups. It was smaller than my kitchen here in Japan! The food was authentic though! I think the owner was half Japanese, half Mexican. The food was AMAZING! (And we paid for it!!! there was a 400yen charge per person, just for walking in the door...that is about $4 Can.). The best part was the TV up in the corner showing Johnny Cash and the Carter Family about 30 years ago doing a country gospel concert! After that was Loretta Lynn crooning Inspirational Hymns!
We listened to How Great Thou Art and The Old Rugged Cross, eating authentic Mexican food in the heart of Japan. Sometimes Japan is very surreal! (This belongs on our Cultural Vertigo Blog!)
Also of mention...My hubby gave me the new Dixie Chicks album, "Taking the Long Way". I have decided that the title track is my theme song for my 34th year! :-) It will also be a great riding tune.
btw contrary to this BLOG entry...I am NOT a country music fan!
(If I am, I am still denying it. ;-)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Like Rach said...

...Back at 'er!

Exercise 1/6: Mission 1 - Tae-bo
Time: 42 min

Nice 'n easy. Only my throat was soar at the end of this. I am definitely almost better. What a wierd virus I had. Getting better has come in waves. I would have a shower, or visit with someone (I am a people person) and would feel better for an hour or so, and then feel feverish again as I "came down"...although I didn't actually have a fever after last Monday.

Today is BEAUTIFUL!!!! It was 26 or 27 degrees here today. Locals here are complaining that it is hot for this time of year. I kindly informed them that this was like July in Calgary. I had to laugh at the weather warning today...there was an advisory out for "dry air".

The rice paddy, that our kitchen window faces, was harvested this past weekend. I am a little sad about that. I won't ever see the rice at peak growing-season blowing in the wind again...we will be gone from Japan in July next summer. I am not a little sad about that! ;-) Definitely looking forward to returning to friends and family in my home country.